"Hidden Amongst the Gems: Improvised Light and Dark Narratives of Tangible Fantasies",recent work by Kathleen King. The exhibition ran from 9/5 to 9/30 2023. Reception was: 9/7 from 6pm to 8pm.
Viridian Artists,INC. 548 West 28th Street 6th floor, suite 632. NYC,NY. 10001. www.viridianartists.com phone: (212) 414-4040 email: viridianartistsinc@gmail.com Gallery hours 12 noon to 6pm. Tuesday thru Saturday. Image shown here: "Evasive Deciduous Dragon" 2022 Media: Oil over Acrylic, over Digital Print on Canvas. 24" x 36" x 1.25" Other mixed media works like the one shown here in this image and many small paintings AP prints and bronzes are still for sale at reasonable prices Viridian Artists,INC.
This Mixed Media Art on Canvas shown here had been included in "Amongst the Gems..." recent work by Kathleen King, a solo show of the artist's current work. Mixed Media Painting (Oil over Acrylic over Digital Print on Canvas). Photographic composition in the digital print is originated by the artist, Kathleen King. Title: "Evasive Deciduous Dragon" 2022. Size: 24" x 36" x 1.25"
Representational subjects sourced by King from objects found in nature such as dried plant detritus, (leaves, pods, twigs, etc…) are ruminated over, then transformed into mixed media print/paintings of "tangible fantasies" in this most recent solo exhibit of Kat’s work.
King states: “Elevating the humblest of discarded botanical fragments to iconic status for the viewer’s contemplation is an ongoing concept in my drawings, paintings, prints and sculptures. I reconfigure the botanical/detritus fragments into small 3D models. Contemplating these models, I transform them into metaphorical subjects revealing the "tangible fantasies" in the final art works.”
Mixed Media: Oil over Acrylic over Digital Print on Canvas. Photographic composition in the digital print is originated by the artist, Kathleen King. Title: "Evasive Deciduous Dragon" 2022. Size: 24" x 36" x 1.25" is for sale at Viridian Artists,INC. contact the gallery for inquiries about this unique art work and others like it at the gallery. Many small pieces are reasonably priced at Viridian Artists,INC. phone: 1 (212) 414-4040, gallery hours Tues. thru Sat. 123 noon to 6pm. website: www.viridianartists.com
email: viridianartistsinc@gmail.com